Theatre Record


Mon 01 Apr 2024


We've made some more improvements to the website this month. On the 'What's On' tab you can now sort by title, theatre and date, which we hope may be very helpful. Edinburgh Festival listings are continuously being added too.

We're working on improving the 'What's On' section further, to make sure that shows don't get listed twice. We'll get that changed soon, as well as making sure the description sections are correct. Thanks to all of you who pointed out these errors - it really helps us to improve.

Outdoor theatre has started again - shame about the weather though. I hope the sun comes out as more of these productions take place all over the country. We'll try and list as many of these as we can.

We're making some headway into adding the backlog to make everything searchable too, which is great.

As always, do let us know if you have any suggestions or comments at

Mon 04 Mar 2024


Although it's only March, the Edinburgh Festival line up has already been announced. We have added the Edinburgh fringe listings to the website, and as more performances are announced, we shall add them as time goes along. The Edinburgh International shows are announced on 7th March, so we'll add them to the listings too. There's more information if you're interested - and

I've managed to catch a few shows this month, one being Cecil Beaton's Diaries, which was reviewed in TR at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2022. Reading the reviews, it was a mixture of opinion but I did agree with The Reviews Hub review in that it was a 'delightful, intimate, personal performance'. I'm glad I saw it.

I've also seen Casting the Runes by Box Tale Soup at our local college theatre. It was wonderful. The acting was superb, the puppets (which they made themselves) were an excellent addition, and so skillfully used, and the minimal set was cleverly moved and used. Thoroughly enjoyable.

As you know, TR lists major productions as well as small ones, and I hope you manage to see some great theatre this month. As ever, we'll try to list and review as much as possible from around the country.

We're continuing with entering the backlog of TR, so more and more is now searchable. It's a slow process, but we'll get there.

As always, do let us know if you have any suggestions or comments at

Fri 02 Feb 2024

January has sped by already and we have completed issue 1 of 2024 with 32 productions so far. We are making progress with inputting the backlog of reviews and we are experimenting with using AI to speed up the input. Fingers crossed we can get somewhere with this, as this will speed things up considerably.

On another note, now Christmas is over I've been creating my new birthday/Christmas list as I tend to do through the year, and have found some interesting titles on 'Stageplays' under 'gifts for thespians'. I'm definitely putting 'Grinning at the Edge - A Biography of Alan Ayckbourn' on my list. Have a look for some great presents by clicking on the 'stageplays' link under AFFILIATES and use the 'browse' tab.

We are still making improvements to the 'listings' page, and thank you to those of you who gave some ideas for this. It may take a bit of time as we work things into the website, but it can only get better.

We are continuing to collect copies of the printed Theatre Record, so if you wish to part with some of your spares knowing they will be rehomed or if you need any to complete your collection, do please let us know.

We'll have all the reviews as always, and we hope you enjoy reading what February has to offer. Thank you too for those of you using Theatre Record for your studies. It's always a pleasure, knowing that Theatre Record can help here too.

As always, do let us know if you have any suggestions or comments at